ESCCOT Business School in Rennes

ESCCOT Business School
The ESCCOT group, created in 1982, celebrated its 40th anniversary, this year.
Located in Cesson Sévigné near Rennes, committed to the success of its learners and committed to meeting the challenges of the professional world.
Our School of Business is strong in its community of more than 15,000 graduates, a team of professionals and enthusiasts in our areas of expertise who bring it to life on a daily basis, ESCCOT promotes diversity, creativity, innovation and openness to the labor market and professionalization.
Our investment in work-study and apprenticeship training for more than 40 years has enabled us to become a certifying institution for 2 professional certifications registered with the RNCP (Registre National des Certifications professionnelles).
It is a sign of credibility and commitment to a serious and qualitative long-term approach.

ESCCOT, Rennes School of Business, is:
A team involved and attentive to its learners.
Our teachers and professional trainers combine the knowledge and experience of men and women from both from the business world.
The learner placed at the heart of the training system to promote his positioning through personalized monitoring throughout his training.
An organization in line with its environment by monitoring the labor market to strengthen our proximity to the business world and professional organizations and guarantee the match between our training offers and market needs.
A network of partner companies that recruit our work-study learners every year.
New regular partnerships to favorably expand our network.
An organization united around unifying projects involving group work, project management and collective learning.
An organization united around unifying projects involving group work, project management and collective learning.

The VALUES of Esccot, Rennes Business School
The quality
Because nothing is ever guaranteed, we must constantly have the will to improve and perfect ourselves in order to continue to affirm the excellence of our training.
Because to establish and maintain a relationship of trust with all ESCCOT students and professionals, we have to communicate.
The positioning
Because we offer training adapted to companies and students, we must:
Guarantee the individualization of the courses by a personalized welcome for the student to work together on his professional project and develop a suitable training plan.
Identify the requirements in terms of knowledge, interpersonal skills and know-how, necessary to follow the targeted training (tests, interviews) and provide a solution to the student who does not have the professional prerequisites (an internship company immersion, for example).
The accompaniment
Because we place the student at the heart of the training system, we guarantee to:
Provide quality personalized support to the student by guaranteeing availability and listening.
Develop pedagogical learning practices by implementing new tools and supports.
Because there is necessarily an “after-training”, we want to guarantee employability upon leaving ESCCOT. Our goal in developing our training is to:
Facilitate the professional integration of graduates thanks to our training adapted to the labor market and thus guarantee the adequacy of the offer and the need.
Develop the autonomy of action and the adaptability of the students.